string - a string of characters


This type can contan text. ie. a word, a sentence, or a book. Note that this is not simply the letters A to Z, special characters, null characters, newlines can all be stored in a string. Any 8-bit character in fact. Strings are a basic type in Pike, as opposed to C where strings are represented by an array of char. This means that you cannot set individual characters in a string with the index operator for instance. In fact, there are no functions that alters strings destructively. Also, all strings are 'shared', that means that if the same string is used in several places, only one will be stored in memory.

When writing a string in a program, you enclose it in doublequotes. To write special characters you need to use one of the following syntaxes:

\n newline
\r carriage return
\t tab
\b backspace
\" "
\\ \

A list of operators that applies to strings follow: In this list a and b is used to represent a string expression:

a + b summation ( "a"+"b" returns "ab")
a - b subtraction ( same as replace(a,b,"") )
a / b division ( same thing as explode(a,b) )
! a boolean not, returns 0

The following operators compare two string alphabetically:

a == b return 1 if a is equal to b, 0 otherwise
a != b return 0 if a is equal to b, 1 otherwise
a < b returns 1 if a is lesser than b, 0 otherwise
a <= b returns 1 if a is lesser or equal to b, 0 otherwise
a > b returns 1 if a is greater than b, 0 otherwise
a >= b returns 1 if a is greater or equal to b, 0 otherwise


indices, values, sscanf, sprintf and sizeof